78 percent of homicides are used by guns. Most of the time they are hand guns. The ones that are doing the killing have had previous criminal records. And most the time the ones that have been shot and killed have also had a criminal back round.60 percent of homicides are also caused by guns. 9 out of 13 studies show that the victim used a gun in his or hers own death. In the last 30 years gun sales have gone up by 50 percent. Since 1970 the homicide and suicide rate has gone up and the number of guns being made have gone up too.Gun violence in school has grown to. Everyone remembers the Columbine shootings. Were three kids that had a number ofguns and for a whole day killed many people. Of 20,000 schools 20 percent have reported a on campus gun shooting. In the past years school shootings have increased and more kids are getting killed with guns. Most of the shootings are being done by those in gangs and those with a history off violence. If we know who( those with a history of violence) is doing the shooting why do we keep sailing and giving them the guns. The more guns being made the more the death rate by guns is going to increase as well. If we want the gun violence to stop why dont we just stop making them.
Good blog overall. Awesome links to support your blog. Puncuation and spelling is correct. Capilization is capitilized in the right places.
hmm i really like your writing, you really kept me into your blog and it was very intresting. I really dont think they should stop making guns, but I can see your stand point. I think they should make a safer way to produce guns too.
I completely agree with you we would should take gun control more seriously. I really like how you contributed to your opnion with facts. Most of your facts i didn't know about.
Why would we stop makeing guns?..i mean really are u serious!? how would you defend your self if someone was chargeing you with a knife? or even a gun themself? step out the way? hahaha no you would either run or find a gun and shoot him put yourself in those kinda of shoes mister hehe we should not stop makeing guns people will get pissed and it will rasie A LOT more problems i say the only thing we can do is currently mabye find those people with "crimnal backgrounds" and mabye ask them if they would like counsling or mabye give them a friend? someone in the world to care about you makes all the differance if we have a law having gun control takeing away peoples rights there will definatly be an increase in crime.you wanna know why?..BECAUSE THE PEOPLE THAT CAUSE THEM KNOW YOU DONT HAVE ANY MEANS OF SELF DEFENSE!!!! =)
I totally agree with you about gun control. I think gun control should be taken more seriously.I really like how you supported all your ideas with facts. I learned many new things about gun control that I never knew just by reading your blog GOOD JOB
you make a very good point that guns have been involved in many deaths. And also have increased. But you got some grammar errors.
Wat up i do agree with your post about the gun suicide and that stuff. You did great with explaining all that stuff.
I totally i agree with you about gun control. I think people should take gun control more seriously. I liked how you supported all your opnions with facts. I learned many things by reading your blog.
You have a good grasp on the topic that you are alking about. You also have plenty of facts about this aswell. I would have to say that I was suprised about the percentages of the number of people killed by a gun.
how can humans do this to each other. On campus shootings, homusides and suisides. The world is going in to the hell hole because of all the violents. We have to do some thing before the end.
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